Adding Your Blog to Facebook

Adding Your Blog to Facebook
Di Posting Oleh : Admin
Kategori : Facebook Promosi Web / Blog Widget Blog Tutorial, Teknologi dan Kesehatan: Mangaip Blog

How can you add our blog to facebook and add widgets for Facebook to your blog. It seems very interesting with a variety of tips to make the current campaign to make maney Online with Facebook.
One way of promoting the blog is to follow the existing facility on Facebook. This is very interesting and easy way to pair the blog to facebook. Here's how to do it:

1. Login to facebook
2. See the bottom left of your account and click Application Facebook
3. Click the "Browse more application" and in the search box type NetworkedBlogs applications.

4. Click Go To Application

5. Click Allow

6. Then click Home

7. Click on Register a New Blog and click next when you're done

8. If there is a question "Are you the author of ......?". Just click YES

9. While click I''do it later.

10. Finish, see what you have made.


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